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Unlock Efficiency: The Complete Video Tutorial To Get Started With Route Optimization Using Logi-IQ 

Getting Started - Create Your Account

Begin by registering for a free account with Logi-IQ. This initial step grants you access to explore the robust features of Logi-IQ without any commitment.

Take advantage of the free trial period to fully test Logi-IQ’s capabilities. Note that during the trial, there is a limit of dispatching to only one driver and optimizing up to 250 tasks simultaneously. This gives you a practical glimpse of how Logi-IQ can streamline your operations.

When you’re ready to fully integrate Logi-IQ into your business, it’s time to select a plan. Consider the size of your team and the volume of tasks you need to manage. Assess:
      – The number of drivers you need to dispatch tasks to.
      – The quantity of tasks you require to optimize concurrently.
These factors will guide you in choosing the plan that best fits your business. 

Once you are ready, go to the billing page and purchase your plan.

Logi-IQ offers the flexibility of choosing between a monthly or yearly subscription plan. Opting for the yearly plan brings a significant saving of 20.8% on your total fee, providing a cost-effective solution for long-term use.

Configure Your Account

  1. Creating Driver Accounts

    • Begin by having the admin staff log into the Logi-IQ platform. Navigate to the “Drivers List” section and click on the “Add” button. This will direct you to a new page designed for inputting your driver’s details. Here, meticulously fill in all the necessary information about each active driver and save the data.
  2. Driver App Credentials

    • Upon successfully saving a driver’s information, they will automatically receive an email. This email contains their unique Driver app account credentials and a link to download the Logi-IQ Driver Planner App. This ensures each driver has immediate access to the necessary tools for efficient task management.
  3. Updating Driver Profiles

    • Should there be a need to update any details in a driver’s profile, simply locate the driver in question from the “Drivers List,” select their profile by ticking the checkbox next to their name, and then click “Edit.” Within the editing interface, you can make the required changes. Additionally, if a driver needs their credentials resent, you can easily do so by selecting the option to “reset this driver’s password” from the editing page. This action triggers the sending of a new email to the driver with their updated login information.
  1. Adding Company Vehicles

    • The first step in optimizing your fleet management is to have the admin staff add details of the company’s vehicles into the system. To do this, navigate to the “Vehicles List” on the Logi-IQ platform and select the “Add” button. This action opens a new page dedicated to entering vehicle information. Fill in all relevant details about each vehicle thoroughly and proceed to save the information.
  2. Setting Vehicle Capacities

    • The “Capacities Page” within Logi-IQ allows for customization of how vehicle capacity is measured, with “Boxes” set as the default unit. This setting indicates the total number of boxes a vehicle can accommodate at one time. It’s essential to adjust this setting according to the specific needs of your operation, ensuring that vehicle capacity is accurately represented and utilized.
  3. Updating Vehicle Information

    • Should there be any changes or updates required for a vehicle’s information, you can easily manage this by locating the vehicle on the “Vehicles List.” Select the vehicle by ticking the checkbox next to its name, then click on “Edit.” This will allow you to modify any necessary information and ensure that your fleet’s details are always up to date.
  1. Understanding Locations

    • Locations, often referred to as depots, are crucial nodes within your logistics network. These can be offices where drivers or road staff begin and end their shifts, warehouses, or any other significant locations that your operations frequently utilize. Properly setting up these locations streamlines the logistical process, making operations more efficient.
  2. Benefits of Registering Locations

    • By registering a location in Logi-IQ, you assign it a unique Location ID. This simplification means that for future tasks or route optimizations, you won’t need to re-enter the address each time. Instead, you can use the Location ID, saving time and reducing the potential for errors.
  3. How to Add a Location

    • To add a location to your Logi-IQ system, navigate to the “Locations” page and click on the “Add” button. This will open a new window where you can enter all pertinent information about your depot. Be thorough in filling out the depot details to ensure accurate operations and optimizations.
  4. Assigning a Code to Your Depot

    • During the setup, you’ll assign a code to your depot. This code is vital as it becomes the Location ID that you can use as a shortcut in future operations. It is especially beneficial for “Depot to Addresses” and “Addresses to Depot” optimization modes, allowing for quick and efficient setup of routes and tasks.

    – The number of drivers you need to dispatch tasks to.
      – The quantity of tasks you require to optimize concurrently.
These factors will guide you in choosing the plan that best fits your business

Get Started With Route Optimization Tools

To efficiently utilize the sample Excel file for uploading tasks to Logi-IQ, follow the detailed guidelines provided below. This will help in streamlining the order import process and ensure that your tasks are accurately scheduled and executed.

  1. Navigating to Import Orders

Start by clicking on “Import Orders” within the Logi-IQ platform. Here, you will find a downloadable sample Excel sheet. This template is specifically designed to assist you in filling in your task data accurately.

  1. Understanding the Sample File Structure

The sample Excel file includes various columns, each requiring specific information. Below is a guide to what each column represents and how to fill them in effectively:

Order ID

  • Description: This field allows for a custom ID using any combination of characters and numbers.
  • Recommendation: Choose a format that is simple and recognizable to facilitate easy tracking and identification of orders.


  • Description: Input the task’s scheduled completion date in the DD/MM/YYYY format.
  • Note: Ensure the date accurately reflects the actual task execution day to avoid upload errors. For tasks due on the same day, replicate the date accordingly.

From Address

  • Description: Enter the complete starting point address for each task to ensure precise routing for your drivers.
  • Optional for Registered Locations: If the starting point is a known Warehouse or Depot, input the Location ID instead. The system will automatically link the ID to its registered address.

From Address Name

  • Optional: You can include additional identifiers like the building or company name to clarify the location.

From Latitude/Longitude

  • Optional: Enter these coordinates if available. If not, Logi-IQ will auto-generate them based on the provided address.

To Address

  • Description: Similar to the ‘From Address,’ input the complete drop-off location to ensure accuracy for your drivers.

To Location ID

  • Optional for Registered Locations: Use the Location ID for known Warehouses or Depots to utilize the system’s auto-recognition feature.

To Address Name

  • Optional: Additional identifiers can be included for the drop-off location for clarity.

To Latitude/Longitude

  • Optional: Provide these details if available. Otherwise, coordinates will be auto-generated.


  • Description: Specify the estimated time (in minutes) required to complete the task upon arrival. This helps in precise scheduling.

From To Time Window

  • Description: Indicate the timeframe within which the task should be performed, e.g., 10AM to 1PM, to adhere to operational hours.

Vehicle Features/ Skills/ Assigned to Driver/ Notes/ From Email / From Phone/ From Notifications/ To Email/ To Phone/ To Notifications

  • Optional: These fields depend on specific task requirements and may vary based on your Logi-IQ subscription plan. Fill these in as needed to provide complete task details.
  1. Completing and Uploading the File

Once you have filled in the necessary information following the above guidelines, save your Excel file. Return to the “Import Orders” section within Logi-IQ and upload your completed file. This process initiates the task scheduling within your operational framework, leveraging the detailed data you’ve provided for optimal routing and execution.


After meticulously preparing your Excel file with task details as per the guidelines, you’re ready to upload your orders into Logi-IQ. This section will guide you through the upload process and how to handle potential issues that may arise during this phase.

  1. Uploading Process
    • Navigate back to the “Import Orders” section within the Logi-IQ platform.
    • Click on the option to upload your prepared Excel file.
    • Once selected, the system will begin processing the data from your file to import the tasks.
  2. Error Handling
    • Address Verification: During the upload, Logi-IQ performs checks on the provided addresses to ensure they are accurate and recognizable.
    • Error Messages: If there are issues with any of the tasks, particularly with addresses, the system will display an error message. For address-related errors, you might see a red warning indicating that the address was not found.
    • Immediate Action Required: It is crucial to address these errors immediately. Review the specified tasks and verify the accuracy of the addresses. If an address is not recognized, double-check for any typos or inaccuracies and correct them as needed.
  3. Finalizing the Upload
    • Fixing Errors: Once all errors have been corrected, and addresses verified, you can proceed to finalize the upload.
    • Saving Your Tasks: Click the “Save” button to confirm and save your tasks to the system. Ensure that all errors are resolved before saving, as the system will automatically delete any task with unresolved issues, particularly those with unrecognized addresses.
  4. Review and Confirmation
    • After saving, it’s a good practice to review the imported tasks in Logi-IQ to confirm that all details are correct and that all intended tasks have been successfully uploaded and scheduled.


  1. Upload Orders:

    • Ensure that you have uploaded the orders CSV file containing the tasks to be completed.
    • Select the appropriate date range for task completion as per the uploaded CSV file.
  2. Plan Routes:

    • Click on the “Plan Routes” button to initiate the route planning process.
  3. Choose Optimization Mode:

    • Select the optimization mode based on your drivers’ tasks:
      • Depot to Addresses: If drivers start from your depot/office/warehouse and proceed to tasks at the “To Addresses” (same From Address).
      • Addresses to Depot: If drivers start from tasks and return to your depot/office/warehouse (same To Address as the last address to visit).
      • Addresses to Addresses: If both “From Address” and “To Address” are different for each task.
  4. Activate Drivers/Staff:

    • Activate the drivers or staff members who will be handling the uploaded tasks for the day.
  5. Activate Additional Requirements:

    • If necessary, activate additional requirements such as:
      • Depot End: If drivers need to return to the depot at the end of their shift.
      • Depot Reload: Based on your optimization mode, activate this option if the drivers need to reload at the depot during their routes.
  6. Plan Routes:

    • Once all settings are configured, click on “Plan Routes” again to commence the route optimization process.


By following these instructions, you can effectively utilize the Logi-IQ Route Optimization Tool to optimize routes for your drivers and streamline your delivery operations.

  1. Review Routes:

    • Upon completion of route optimization, the routes will be displayed on the map interface.
  2. Dispatch Routes to Drivers:

    • To assign routes to drivers, click on “Share Routes” and select “Send to Drivers App.”
    • This action will transmit the optimized routes directly to the drivers’ app for immediate access.
  3. Download Optimized Routes CSV:

    • Alternatively, if needed, you can download a CSV file containing the optimized routes.
    • Click on “Share Routes” and choose the option to download the CSV file.
    • This file provides a detailed breakdown of the routes, which can be useful for record-keeping or further analysis.

Use Digital Proof of Delivery (POD) for Tasks Completion on Logi-IQ

Step 1: Log in to your Logi-IQ account using your credentials. If you do not have an account, sign up to get started.

Step 2: Once logged in, locate the Proof of Delivery page. This can typically be found in the main menu on the dashboard.

Step 3: On the Proof of Delivery page, you will see various options available for digital proof:

  • Notes: Text descriptions or comments.

  • Digital Signature: Signature capture for verification.

  • Pictures: Upload images as proof.

  • Barcode Scanning: Scan barcodes to confirm delivery or task completion.


Step 4: For each option, you can enable it by checking the “enabled” box. If certain proofs are mandatory for task or delivery completion, ensure you tick the “required” box. This helps specify which proofs are necessary for drivers or team members to complete their tasks.

Step 5: Set up your proof of delivery options based on the optimization mode you are using. This allows for a tailored approach depending on your operational requirements.

Step 6: Assign tasks or deliveries to drivers or team members. Ensure they have access to the driver planner app, which is crucial for capturing proof of delivery.

Step 7: Driver’s Viewpoint

Drivers can log in to the driver planner app, navigate to the specific task or delivery, and open the Proof of Delivery section. Here, they can:

  • Add Notes: Write any comments or observations.

  • Capture Digital Signature: Request and collect a digital signature.

  • Upload Pictures: Take and upload relevant photos as proof.

  • Scan Barcodes: Use the barcode scanning feature for verification.

Step 8: After adding the required proof, drivers should mark the task or delivery as complete. The data is then automatically uploaded to the Logi-IQ system in real time.

Step 9: From the dashboard, navigate to the Live Map page. Here, you can view all current and completed tasks and deliveries.

Step 10: Locate the completed task or delivery on the Live Map. Click on the designated column to access the proof of delivery, where you can view: Signatures, Pictures, Notes, Scanned Barcodes.

Step 11: For record-keeping or sharing, you can download the proof of delivery. Simply click on the download option to save signatures, pictures, and notes to your device.

Regularly Update Proof Requirements

Regularly review and update your proof of delivery requirements based on evolving business needs. This ensures that your proof options remain relevant and effective.


Train Your Team

Ensure that your team is trained on using the Digital POD feature. Provide them with access to guidelines and support for a smooth implementation.


Use Real-Time Data for Insights

Leverage real-time data from the Live Map to gain insights into delivery and task completion processes. This data can be invaluable for optimizing your operations.